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Writer's pictureCHQ UCC Society

Highlights of the 2020 Annual Meeting

In a Service of Remembrance, we gave thanks for CHQ members who have died since our last annual meeting: Jolen Bock, Robert Rodgers, Floyd Mueller, Carolyn Windsor, Elizabeth Wright, Thomas Kerns, Elizabeth Witzleben.

Reports were given by officers and staff of the Society. Many of those are available on the website, should you wish to read them.

Upon notice that the season was cancelled, many guests who had reserved rooms for the 2020 season donated a portion or all of the room gift to the Society. That has been greatly appreciated as many expenses associated with the buildings are fixed, regardless of whether we have an in person season or not! Grace Lipman, Registrar, was in contact with EVERY ONE who had reserved a room, wishing our guests well in this weird time and reaching out to send UCC love to all.

The bathroom renovation in the Mayflower is done and it is fabulous, according to the few who have seen it! Evadne Giannini, host at the Mayflower, and our newly appoint Facilities Manager oversaw the project. Other facilities activity has included the purchase of new blankets for ALL the bedrooms in both houses. They are magical in that they can warm you AND keep you cool! Several new rockers for the Headquarters Porch have been purchased – they just didn’t get used this season! The antique drop leaf table in the Foyer of the Headquarters has been refinished.

Room gifts will be increased by 10% beginning in the 2021 season. This increase reflects our need to stay current with increased expenses associated with our 3 buildings. We are still the best deal in town, so to speak!

Candidates for the board, Endowment Committee, and the Executive Committee of the Board were presented. They are: Board – Ruth Becker, Carol Ludemann, Meredith Townsend, Wayne Sautter; Endowment Committee: Susan Laubach; Executive Committee: President – John Botti, Vice President – Susan Peterson, Secretary – Ruth Becker, Treasurer – Rachel Barnard.

We have a magnificent Snapshot Blog on our website. Take a look. It has been spearheaded and managed by Welling Hall, our webmaster and board member. Contributions from members are welcome!

Hosts for our guest houses in 2021 will be: David and Dana Wright, Tom Worley and Nancy Loy, David and Margaret Graves, and Evadne and Maura Giannini. John Rodgers and Peggy O’Connor will split the Chaplain Administrator duties.

We hope our next annual meeting is not a virtual experience and that hugs will be allowed!

Respectfully Submitted

Ruth Becker, Secretary

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