The 2020 Season is over and now for the history books. The Chautauquan Daily ended the 1960 Season with a historical tribute to the Amphitheater, the construction of which was paid for by President Miller with the astronomical sum of $25,000. The Daily concludes its story with these words:
Today the Amphitheater contains the latest in electronic equipment for sound recording, a special section for those needing hearing aid amplification, a complete electronic-acoustic control system so that even whispers can be heard anywhere in the Amphitheater. Speakers are now requested to wear lapel microphones to hurdle the bad effects of weak or otherwise difficult-to-hear voices, a real problem when thousands of people are dependent on understanding the lecturer's method. Will the next big step in the Amphitheater be a giant TV screen to receive closed circuit TV programs of the highest merit?

Summer of 1960 photo in which this blogger poses with her grandfather (then Director of the Department of Religion) in front of the Mayflower.