Dear friends and guests!
Here is what a week at Chautauqua looks like at the UCC Society in Summer 2021:
A Different Year
Certainly, this year is different than any you have experienced in your years at Chautauqua. From vaccination and mask mandates to capacity limits and no choirs we are continuing to cope with COVID – 19. Our buildings and porches are open to all who are fully vaccinated. There will be changes during the summer maybe even during this week. We ask you to follow the CDC and Chautauqua UCC Society guidelines including only vaccinated people in any of our buildings and to join in to worship, dining fellowship and porch conversations with joy and enthusiasm. We will have a great week.
Worship with us Our week begins with a Sunday morning 9:00am service in the Randell Chapel in the Headquarters. The service is casual in style but a richly meaningful launch for our week together. Join us as we sing, worship, and pray that we will be open to the rich blessings of this week. Coffee and conversation follow in the living room.
On Thursday evening at 7:00 pm the Chaplain of the Week will lead a meditative vesper service. Some weeks this service will be a discussion and sometimes prayers and reflections. It will always be meaningful. The time is designed to provide a thoughtful and reflective spiritual experience. Please join us.
Taizé & Tea is a service provided by the UCC and attended by Chautauquans of every denomination and faith tradition or of no affiliation. Every Monday evening, we gather for a brief time of singing, reading, reflection, and silence in the presence of candlelight. We sing familiar Taizé chants, read a brief text and reflect on it in silence, and offer a prayer together, along with our individual prayers. All are invited to the Randell Chapel in the Headquarters from 7:00pm to 7:30 pm. At 7:30 iced tea is served.
Yellow Rockers Club
The UCC Headquarters building is for each guest of the Mayflower and Reformed Church house. Our porch is an especially prime place to start your morning and end your day. Each morning you can read you Daily, tap into the Free Open Wi-Fi, read the latest CLSC selection, visit with others, and/or enjoy the program in the amphitheater. This year our rockers will be reserved for vaccinated guests only. Please no saving of rockers. If you leave the porch you rocker becomes available so don’t leave materials behind
Prayers for Peace Each morning at 8:30am you are invited to join others around the Chautauqua Peace Pole for 5 minutes of prayers for peace – near and far, internal and external. Join this group around the peace pole in the Grove near the Hall of Philosophy and Hall of Mission.
4 ½ Weeks at Chautauqua? We are always on the lookout for interested host “couples” for Mayflower and The Reformed Church House. If you think you might be interested, ask your hosts what the position entails. If you are interested in applying with a commitment for 3 years, please leave your contact information with the Chaplain Administrator, John or Peggy, in the Headquarters Building.